ASPHE series | Pool & hot tub heat exchanger

Stainless Pool & Hot Tub Heat Exchanger

We has a various of shell and tube heat exchangers for solar pool heating systems or boiler pool heating systems. To promote longevity of all the system components, instead of placing chlorine or salt pool water directly through the solar panels, utilize an external swimming pool heat exchanger for a more versatile, robust solar design.

Our swimming pool heat exchangers are designed by our special innovative tube designs, spiral twisted corrugation on the tubing surface, which were engineered to maximize the use of solar or boiler energy; thus increasing the overall thermal efficiency of the system.

With a wide range of sizes, and a selection of different materials to suit the specific requirements, these popular swimming pool models are the perfect solution for any pool, spa, and hot tub application.

Swimming pool Heat Exchanger is fully constructed with pressurized shell and spiral corrugated inner tube. This ensures high velocities inside the unit making swimming pool heat exchanger a very reliable, efficient and cost effective way to transfer heat indirectly between any hot water circuit, steam circuit and any pool or spa circuit, besides other application.

We have a large range of heat exchangers well suited from small spas up to Olympic size pools, our units are rated from 55,00 to up to 6,000,000 BTU/H


With high heat transferring efficient heat exchanger tubes and smooth shell, it ensures high velocities inside of the unit making the heat exchanger a very reliable, efficient and cost effective way to transfer heat indirectly between any boiler or solar heating circuit and any pool or spa circuit, besides other applications.


  • High efficiency, coefficient up to 10000 W/m2°C, Heat exchanging capacity 3-7 times traditionaequipments.
  • Compact configure, occupy smalarea, one tenth as the traditionaequipments.
  • Stainless steeand/or titanium material, endure high temperature, pressure and corruption.
  • Helix screw thread elasticity heat exchange bundle, eliminate the stress.
  • Design flux speed is 5.5m/s, less dirt.
  • ASME standard VIII-1
  • Big flow volume
  • Compactable
  • Easy installation and durable.

Note: Please check your working temperature and chlorine concentration for material type used.

Swimming Pool Heat Exchangers Nominal Performance (ASPHE series)

* indicate standard stock model

For occasional (holidays & weekends) use pools we recommend a 2 x output multiplier to obtain a 2°F/hr heat up rate.
Nominal values are based on 60°C temperature between incoming heating and heated water.

Other Fluids Correction Factors

Stainless Steel and Titanium Corrosion Resistance Table

Typical Residential Application:

  • In-floor heating
  • Swimming pools, spas heating
  • Domestic hot water heating
  • Solar Hot Water Heating
  • Outdoor Wood Furnances
  • Hot tube heating
  • Driveway snowmelts

Typical Industrial Application

  • Oil cooler or heating
  • Steam condenser
  • District/central heating
  • Transmission and engine cooler
  • Boiler sample cooler
  • Waste water heat recovery
  • Industry process

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With high heat transferring efficient heat exchanger tubes and smooth shell, it ensures high velocities inside of the unit making the heat exchanger a very reliable, efficient and cost effective way to transfer heat indirectly between any boiler or solar heating circuit and any pool or spa circuit, besides other applications.


  • High efficiency, coefficient up to 10000 W/m2°C, Heat exchanging capacity 3-7 times traditionaequipments.
  • Compact configure, occupy smalarea, one tenth as the traditionaequipments.
  • Stainless steeand/or titanium material, endure high temperature, pressure and corruption.
  • Helix screw thread elasticity heat exchange bundle, eliminate the stress.
  • Design flux speed is 5.5m/s, less dirt.
  • ASME standard VIII-1
  • Big flow volume
  • Compactable
  • Easy installation and durable.

Note: Please check your working temperature and chlorine concentration for material type used.

Swimming Pool Heat Exchangers Nominal Performance (ASPHE series)

* indicate standard stock model

For occasional (holidays & weekends) use pools we recommend a 2 x output multiplier to obtain a 2°F/hr heat up rate.
Nominal values are based on 60°C temperature between incoming heating and heated water.

Other Fluids Correction Factors

Stainless Steel and Titanium Corrosion Resistance Table

Typical Residential Application:

  • In-floor heating
  • Swimming pools, spas heating
  • Domestic hot water heating
  • Solar Hot Water Heating
  • Outdoor Wood Furnances
  • Hot tube heating
  • Driveway snowmelts

Typical Industrial Application

  • Oil cooler or heating
  • Steam condenser
  • District/central heating
  • Transmission and engine cooler
  • Boiler sample cooler
  • Waste water heat recovery
  • Industry process

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